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Tack vare fördelen med en längd som är ungefär dubbelt så lång som befintliga ultraljudskirurgispetsar möjliggörs åtkomst till djupa områden som tidigare var otillgängliga. Dessutom gör den låga spetshöjden det möjligt att skära även i trånga områden.
Formen på bladspetsen är rundad och omgiven av ett ökat antal tänder. Den långa spetsdesignen underlättar åtkomst till mandibulära ramus. Dessa tekniska fördelar gör det enklare att utföra bentransplantation för åtkomst med flera vinklar mot benet. Dessutom möjliggör de tunna bladen minimalt invasiva ingrepp.
With the mission of creating "brilliant progress" via "innovative grinding technology," we aim to solve social issues through our three business fields of dental, surgical, and industrial products. We have published a new "Sustainability Report". Here we introduce our ESG-related initiatives.
NSK is excited to introduce the VarioSurg 4 Ultrasonic Bone Surgery System. Through NSK’s pioneering technological advancements in implant treatment, the next stage of evolution for the renowned VarioSurg has arrived. With refined functionality and cohesive design, it meets the high level of practical and ergonomic needs of dental professionals.
NSK är glada att presentera "NSK 360° Tour", en virtuell rundtur som visar vårt huvudkontor och fabrik.
Vi bjuder in dig att utforska vår tillverkningsmiljö.
Njut av din resa!
NSK is pleased to announce the launch of new video "PRIDE in Craftsmanship". The video shows our commitment to and belief in manufacturing.
Please take a look at our PRIDE we have in our Craftsmanship.
NSK has reached out to definitive agreement to indirectly purchase 51% of the membership interests of DCI International, LLC (“DCI”). As a result of this transaction, 100% of DCI’s membership interests will be held by NSK.
This strategic combination unlocks further growth potential of NSK and DCI to serve customers better and compete in the dental industry, especially in the U.S. market. The whole DCI management team will stay in the company. In addition, the DCI brand and sales channels will stay as is.
NSK är glada att kunna presentera Ti-Max Z990L / Z890L luftturbiner. Dessa nya luftturbiner i Ti-Max Z-serien är NSK:s flaggskeppsmodeller och har en hög uteffekt på 44 W*.
Som svar på användarnas efterfrågan på att skära hårdare material, t.ex. zirkonium, med luftturbiner har NSK utvecklat en luftturbin med högre skärkraft. Det nya DYNAMIC POWER SYSTEM** gör att tidskrävande avlägsnande av zirkoniumoxid kan utföras smidigt. Den kortare behandlingstiden minskar inte bara belastningen på patienten utan bidrar också till effektivare behandling för tandläkarmottagningen genom att avsevärt spara tid i stolen.
*Z990L : lufttryck vid 0,42 MPa
**Det nya systemet med den förstorade utloppsporten, optimerad munstycksstruktur och förstorad rotorhink.
Kom gärna och besök oss. Vi hoppas att vi ses på IDS i Tyskland!
Vi bjuder in dig att lära dig mer om vår produktportfölj och dra nytta av kampanjerbjudanden och fina giveaways vid montern!
Vi ser fram emot att ses där!
Datum: 14/03/2023 09:00 - 18/03/2023 18:00
Monter: Hall 11.1, Monter A010
Registera dig senast 18/03/2023
Vad är IDS?
IDS är dentalbranschens största mässa med över 2,000 utställare och 160,000 besökare. Den senaste innovativa teknologin och produkter från hela världen lockar stor uppmärksamhet från medicinsk personal och distributörer varje gång.
The internationally acclaimed Surgic Pro surgical micromotor system has evolved into “Surgic Pro2”.
There are 3 progress points, in operation, safety and wireless extensibility.
As well as further improving the basic performance of Surgic Pro, its supreme adaptability in connecting to various external devices offers improved safety, efficiency and operator comfort during treatment.
Professionals depend on the reliability of their equipment on a daily basis. With Surgic Pro2 NSK have taken reliability to the next level.
Put The Control Back in Your Hands - With no foot control, the cordless iProphy from NSK gives you maximum freedom and stability for smoother polishing and greater control. Take your clinical practice to the next level by improving your performance day after day.
Spray air contributes significantly to spray mist in dental instruments. Contra-angles produce much less compared to air turbines and by switching off the chip-air this instruments generates even less aerosol. This means the associated risks are reduced considerably. NSK has invented the spray switch for handpieces. No other handpiece brand offers this convenient and effective feature. Turning off spray air couldn't be easier - just simply twist the switch.
ENDO-MATE DT2 has been developed for use with most major brands of Ni-Ti files. The preprogramming function allows highly efficient treatments using different file manufacturer's protocols. The control unit has been designed to be lightweight and compact. It is fitted with a rechargeable battery providing high mobility. The lightweight and slim handpiece allows easy and comfortable handling for high performance.
The S-Max M series is the next phase of evolution of our globally
acclaimed handpieces.
These new models are the embodiment of NSK's expertise in handpieces.
The M series delivers the reliability and safety demanded by both practitioners and the ever-changing standards of the dental instrument industry.
NSK's best-selling models are your best choice.
We are pleased to announce the opening of the new Research & Development (R&D) center building, "RD1" on 11 April 2017. Its primary function is to provide a facility that will ensure more efficient operations and R&D functions and deliver innovative products in a timely manner. Within the new building will be a showroom for guests from all over the world and a symposium facility that can accommodate 400 people allowing us to enhance our innovation progress.
The RD1 operation contributes to NSK's continuous growth through management of three key areas being development, manufacturing and sales.
As specialists in ultra-high-speed rotary equipment, NSK is passionate about creating innovative products that deliver outstanding value. NSK manufactures almost all parts in-house to guarantee the highest precision, reliability and unmatched performance of all products. The Ti-Max Z contra-angle and air turbine series resulted from NSK's constant quest to make the impossible possible.
Combining ultrasonic scaling and powder therapy for more effective and comfortable oral hygiene and biofilm control.