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Supporting Women and Children (NSK America Corp.)

Fellowship Housing is an NPO based in Illinois (USA) providing financial and vocational support to homeless women and victims of domestic violence. Services include education, clothing, financial education, and subsidized housing. Fellowship Housing not only provides stability, but also helps to foster a sense of dignity and self-confidence.

In December 2022, NSK America Corp. sponsored a donation drive for two of their initiatives- Welcome Baskets and Birthday Gift Closet.

Welcome Basket: This basket contains essential items needed in daily life, such as toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and laundry essentials. It is given to women in the program when they rent their first apartment.

Birthday Gift Closet: This closet is used to store toys for children aged 3 months to 17 years, allowing mothers in the program to give their children gifts on special occasions.

Birthday Gift Closet
Birthday Gift Closet

In March 2023, NSK America Corp. donated $1,500 as a White Glove Sponsor for a Fellowship Housing event. A total of over $375,000 was also collected in donations during a live auction in which NSK America Corp. employees participated.

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